Introduction To
The New Christian Experience
The Being Academy 's New Official Membership Guide.
It's time for a new vision regarding Christian living.
This guide is not based on a different text or a different teacher.
It is based on the Gospel, as preached, taught, and suffered for
by Jesus Christ.
This is your invitation to accept a bolder commitment,
intention, and reason for believing.
"Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done."
Spiritual Guide To
The Well Woman Workshop
There is a model of encouragement for moving boldly towards the promises of God as women.
It is the model of the Ruach, The Holy Spirit.
In the beginning, it was the Spirit of God hovering over the darkness,
the unknown, that assisted God with the creation of all things out of nothing.
In Hebrew, the ancient language of the Old Testament in our Holy Bible, the word for Spirit is feminine, (רוח). Ruach is also used in the Hebrew Bible,
as is the feminine word "Shekhinah" in rabbinic literature, to indicate the presence of God.
The Well Woman Workshop at The Being Academy is for women,
seeking to see God, and be made well in Her image too.
art, content, music, and media technology
empathetic and nurturing to the psyche (cognitive state) of the consumer.